Numerology by its very nature refers to the study of the symbolism associated with numbers. It can be used to determine the strengths, talents, personality and obstacles of a person that must be overcome, as we have seen. It can also be used to determine a person's inner needs as well as the best way of dealing with another person. Both a person's name as well as their birth date can be used to make this determination.
The birth date is always fixed and constant. As a result, the modifiers and elements associated with the birth date will never change during a person's lifetime. Names, on the other hand, can go through a variety of different changes throughout a person's life. These changes may be by choice or through a specific situation such as through marriage. There can be significant modifications made to the personality and energies of a person when their name changes. Numerology can be used to analyze any name that a person uses, has used in the past or is considering using.
Through a numerology report it is possible for the basic traits of a person to be described as they would have been present at birth. These traits would be anticipated to develop and grow throughout the person's life. These innate characteristics would generally be present throughout that person's life. The report would also typically detail any obstacles that would need to be resolved as the person grows older and matures. Although it is quite likely that other names would be used as the person matures, the characteristics of the birth name would still be strongly experienced throughout the person's life.
How Different Names Effect Us
Throughout our lives, most of us use names other than the name we were given at birth. We may use middle names, drop a middle name, pick up nicknames or use a married name. Adoption can also provide different names. At any given time in one's life the characteristics that are exhibited would be a combination of the traits of the names that are currently being used along with the traits of the birth name.
If you have several different names that you use then it is a good idea to run a numerology report based on all of those names. For example, if you use one name in business and another name that is used by your family then it would be a good idea to compare all of them.
Changing your Name
If you are considering changing your name to something that is more optimum then there are several factors that should be kept in mind. First, you need to make sure that you select a name that will balance the energies that are already present within the report for your birth name. For example, suppose that your birth name demonstrates certain energies that are too strong.
In that case, it would be a good idea to choose a new name that will de-emphasize those energies in order to bring them into balance. On the other hand, if you want to emphasize certain energies or abilities that were not emphasized by your birth name then you would want to choose a name that is stronger within that particular area.
It is also important to pay attention to how your name may change through marriage because this can give you an idea of how your life may change as a result of the new name. In this case it is a good idea to run a report with the new name and compare it to a report for your birth name.
Naming Children
Naming children is naturally quite important. If you want an idea of how your child's name may affect their life then it is a good idea to begin considering appropriate names before your child is born. Since it is usually not possible to know the exact birth date of a child you may want to run multiple reports based on several likely birth dates along with names that you are considering for your child.
Selecting Business Names
Many people use a different name in business than they use in the rest of their life, for example, than what their families call them. You can also apply numerology to the actual name of a business if you are just opening a new business. The best method is to choose a name that combined with your birth date will result in an Expression Number or LifePath number that is either a 1 or 8 in order to increase the opportunity for money and success.
Almost from the beginning, numerology has been used in order to analyze the potential for compatibility on a long term basis. In addition, numerology has also been used in order to uncover problems within an existing relationship and gain insight and understanding regarding those problems.
In terms of relationships the most important number is the Lifepath number. According to numerology, it is imperative to establish a relationship with a partner that has a Lifepath number that is compatible with your own. This is because the Lifepath number reveals the natural inclinations that are present at birth in both individuals. Those traits will be present within both people always and acting on these traits will help both partners to attain happiness and a sense of self-worth.
As an example, the Lifepath number of three demonstrates sociability, expression and creativity. When this person has a partner that will high value those traits then it is much easier to support those traits and for the couple to live together compatibly and happily. On the other hand, when those numbers are not in harmony it will be necessary for both people to compromise just to attain a degree of happiness.
The Destiny Number of Expression number is also important in determining the compatibility of a relationship as well. This is the number that is calculated using the full birth name. The Destiny Number of Expression number is the number that defines the direction in life that one should take and also what one should strive to achieve.
Reference the chart below to determine how numbers are compatible with one another
Compatibility Chart
If you are a 1 then: You are easily compatible with 1,5,7; usually with 3,9; 8 is neutral; 2,4,6 are challenging.
If you are a 2 then: You are easily compatible with 2,4,8; usually with 3,6; 9 is neutral; 1,5,7 are challenging.
If you are a 3 then: You are easily compatible with 3,6,9; usually with 1,2,5; 4,7,8 are challenging.
If you are a 4 then: You are easily compatible with 2, 4, 8; usually with 6, 7; 1, 3, 5, 9 are challenging.
If you are a 5 then: You are easily compatible with 1, 5, 7; usually with 3, 9; 8 is neutral; 2, 4, 6 are challenging.
If you are a 6 then: You are easily compatible with 3, 6, 9; usually with 2, 4, 8; 1, 5, 7 are challenging.
If you are a 7 then: You are easily compatible with 1, 5, 7; usually with 4; 9 is neutral; 2, 3, 6, 8 are challenging.
If you are a 8 then; You are easily compatible with 2, 4, 8; usually with 6; 1, 5 is neutral; 3, 7, 9 are challenging.
If you are a 9 then; You are easily compatible with 3, 6, 9; usually with 1, 5; 2, 7 are neutral; 4, 8 are challenging.
Keep in mind that the numbers 11 and 22 are master numbers and should be reduced to the numbers 2 and 4.
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