“Unidentified flying objects” or more commonly known as UFOs, are intriguing mysteries that have been reported since ancient times and more so today, when hundreds of scientists and theologians have attempted to offer a satisfying answer as to why they appear and whether or not they indeed are visitors from another planet.
Many believe in UFOs and also many others believe that UFOs are just UFOs, meaning they are unidentified.
Automatically, some associate UFOs with “flying saucers”, however they must not be used alternately. If people identify a something as a “flying saucer”, then it isn't "unidentified" anymore.
When there is a reported sighting of a UFO, 95 percent are in reality perfectly identifiable things to individuals who understand their sky. A fact is, most UFOs actually aren't really UFOs.
It is however, the outstanding 5 percent that are very interesting; these have been recounted for many years and are objects in the sky that aren't recognizable and can't be explained. They shouldn't be concluded as flying machines from another planet, because they might be experimental military aircrafts.
This doesn't fully explain everything. Yes, there are aircrafts that fly into other country’s airspace all over the world. The one thing that differentiates these planes apart are their physical appearances, UFOs are of unusual shapes like glowing orbs, black triangles, and "flying saucers".
UFO incidents haven't actually been investigated thoroughly up to today. Certainly, many “non-profit organizations” and private groups look into the issue, and military statements and studies exist.
Considering the vast number of magazines, web pages, associations, etc, dedicated to UFOs, you can conclude that many individuals believe that UFO's are visitors from another planet. Why? Because there are countless reported sightings all over the world containing pictures as “evidences”. Therefore it is difficult to ignore that there is a possibility that the earth is visited by “flying saucers”.
So is there concrete and genuine proof that UFO's do exist? So far, none. People are very imaginative. All strange accounts should be interpreted with caution.
Sometimes, people just need to acknowledge the obvious; although you can't be absolutely certain what it really is, with poor photo quality or video, vague descriptions, conflicting eyewitness interpretations, etc. identification is impossible.
Yes, a fact is, something unknown is out there in the earth’s skies. But whether it is from another planet, the question still remains unanswered and until such time it will be proven, UFOs will remain unidentified.